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"trading success"

Showing 1,001-1,050 of 1,116 items.

Humphrey B.Neill – Tape Reading & Market Tactics

Humphrey B Neill - Tape Reading Market TacticsThis classic work remains the benchmark in tape reading and price and volume analysis in speculation. Historically one of the best selling titles on this topic, Tape Reading is...

Dhun H.Sethna – Investing Smart (How To Pick Stocks With Investors Business Daily)

Dhun H.Sethna - Investing Smart (How to Pick Stocks with Investors Business Daily)Using Investor's Business Daily as his major source of investment information, Dhun Sethna tripled his portfolio in five years. In Investing Smart, Sethna shares...

Zone Trader – 5 Minute Time Frame

In this course I teach you how to trade the 5 minute timeframe successfully. These methods took me countless thousands of hours to develop and are extremely high probability. Zone Trader allows you to trade both...

Jody Samuels – Elliott Wave Forex Analysis

Jody Samuels - Elliott Wave Forex AnalysisELLIOTT WAVE SERIES“Are you Ready to Learn a Time Tested Method to Identify Market Patterns that Repeat Over and Over Again? Sound like a Recipe for Profits?The ELLIOTT WAVE SERIES...

Jody Samuels – Elliott Wave Forex Course

ELLIOTT WAVE SERIES “Are you Ready to Learn a Time Tested Method to Identify Market Patterns that Repeat Over and Over Again? Sound like a Recipe for Profits? The ELLIOTT WAVE SERIES is designed for traders...

Charles Drummond – Psycho-Paper 96

Charles Drummond - Psycho-Paper 96Drummond believes that this is important work, and most of those who had read it agrees. Some see this as an "underground classics" of trade literature. See the example below for a...

Shirley Hudson & Vic Noble – The London Close Trade Strategy

Shirley Hudson & Vic Noble - The London Close Trade Strategy Discover How Shirley Hudson Consistently Trades at an astonishing +93% Accuracy While Banking a Mind-blowing 41,261 Pips Since Jan. 2010 — by Only Trading the...

Alphatrends – Beginner Course + Access to Introductory Course

Alphatrends – Beginner Course + access to Introductory CourseBeginner CourseNew to Trading? This is where to start!Intro course for beginners who want to learn the foundation of how to become a profitable stock trader.9Cost: $99WHAT YOU...

Charles LeBeau – Exit Strategies for Stock and Futures Slides (

Charles LeBeau - Exit Strategies for Stock and Futures (Slides) ( Each speaker at the TradeStationWorld Conference acts independently, and no speaking topic, session, seminar or content is affiliated with, or approved, sponsored or endorsed by,...

Mark Douglas – The Disciplined Trader

Mark Douglas - The Disciplined TraderOne of the first books to address the psychological nature of how successful traders think ~ The Disciplined Trader™ is now an industry classic. In this groundbreaking work published in 1990 ~...

Mark Minervini – Think & Trade Like a Champion (The Secrets, Rules & Blunt Truths of a Stock Market Wizard, 2017)

Mark Minervini - Think & Trade Like a Champion The Secrets, Rules & Blunt Truths of a Stock Market Wizard, 2017 THE MOST EAGERLY AWAITED INVESTMENT BOOK OF THE YEAR MORE THAN 80 CHART EXAMPLES INCLUDES...

Mark Minervini – Momentum Masters (A Roundtable Interview with Super Traders) Minervini, Ryan, Zanger & Ritchie II, 2015

Mark Minervini - Momentum Masters A Roundtable Interview with Super Traders - Minervini, Ryan, Zanger & Ritchie II, 2015 Mark Minervini is one of America's most successful stock traders; a veteran of Wall Street for more...

SpartanTraderFX – “Renko 2.0” (Brand new for 2017)

Brand new for 2017 – “Renko 2.0”“Discover Powerful Renko Bar Trading StrategiesThan Can Lock In Up To 80-90% Winners…Best Of All They Only Take 60 Minutes To Learn”Renko Trading 2.0 Workshop HighlightsPlease note that the live workshop...

Wayne Gorman – Range Bound Strategies (Course 2)

Wayne Gorman – Course 2. Range Bound Strategies EWI’s On-Demand Options Trading Course … How to Use the Elliott Wave Principle to Improve Your Options Trading Strategies Course 2: Range Bound Strategies This exciting course is...

Joe Ross – The Law of Charts™ In-Depth Recorded Webinar

Joe Ross – The Law of Charts™ In-Depth Recorded Webinar This is the most requested recorded webinar, The Law of Charts. Through this recorded webinar The Law of Charts, we will show how YOU how...

Bill Poulos – Gold & Silver Profit System

Bill Poulos – Gold & Silver Profit System Can Precious Metals Really Offer A Safe Method Of Protecting You From Certified Financial Apocalypse…? Okay, so no-one can deny that our world is in true financial turmoil. ...

Optionetics 2007 – Home Study Course (MP3)

Optionetics 2007 – Home Study Course, MP3The 14 CD set titles: Recorded live in San Francisco-2 Full Day ( MP3 Format)CD 1 – Introduction to Stocks & Options Trading (Part 1)CD 2 – Introduction to Stocks...

MTI – Scalping Course

MTI – Scalping Course A perfect online course to speed up your pip potential! Learn how you could capture 20-40 pips at a timein trades that could take as little as a few minutes Get pro...

Market Traders Institute (MTI) – Education Videos

Market Traders Institute (MTI) – Education Videos Forex education is an important step in becoming a successful trader. At Market Traders Institute (MTI), you have unlimited access to expert trading techniques and professional Forex analysts. MTI...

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars (13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior Returns)

Lois Peltz – The New Investment Superstars. 13 Great Investors and Their Strategies for Superior ReturnsLearn how these superstars invest, where they invest, what works–and what doesn’t Since people have been making money in the markets,...

PrimeLine – Prime9Pro Indicators

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

Axiafutures – Volume Profiling with Strategy Development

Axiafutures – Volume Profiling with Strategy Development Strategy Development PART 1 – What, How, and Why of Volume Profiling PART 2 – Participants in the Auction Process PART 3 – Volume Profiling Elements PART 4 –...

Jake Bernstein – Market Masters - How Traders Think Trade And Invest

Bernstein, author of The Investor’s Quotient, is the president of a Chicago commodity advisory firm specializing in cyclic analysis, forecasting and personal psychology for traders in a notoriously precarious market–the buying and selling of contracts for...

Michael Duane Archer – The Goodman Currency Codex (

Michael Duane Archer – The Goodman Currency Codex ( Michael Duane Archer has been a commodity futures and FOREX participant for over 40 years. He has acted as a private trader, registered CTA and CPO, branch...

John Boik – Lessons from the Greatest Stock Traders of all Time

The trading strategies of legends Jesse Livermore, Bernard Baruch, Gerald Loeb, and more provide ways to triumph in the marketToday’s bookshelves are so laden with Johnny-come-lately experts, eager to sell their knowledge to any and all,...

Jason Steele – Forex Power Strategy Course

Lesson 1 – A Preview Lesson 2 – Understanding Currency PairsI apologize for sounding a bit slow in this one…I think I was a little sleep deprived at the time I recorded it. This lesson will help you...

Ricky Gutierrez – Learn, Plan, Profit (Your A-Z Blueprint To Mastering The Stock Market)

Heyo, Learn, Plan, Profit – Your A-Z Blueprint To Mastering The Stock Market By Ricky GutierrezImagine being able to wake up, spend at most 2 hrs on your computer or phone, and then getting to do whatever...

Alpesh Patel – Diary of an Internet Trader

Alpesh Patel – Diary of an Internet TraderSize: 2.2 MB The number of online trading accounts in Europe alone is expected to grow from 4.4 million at the end of 2000 to a staggering 16.8 million by...

Matthew Tagliani – The Practical Guide to Wall Street

The Practical Guide to Wall Street is an indispensable resource for anyone who aspires to a front-office sales or trading position on Wall Street and an essential desk reference for market practitioners and those who interact with...

Mark Boucher – The Hedge Fund Edge

Achieve higher returns with lower risk and take your profits globally. A leading hedge fund trader offers a solid and profitable trading approach to the world markets. “This is the best stock market book that I...

Mark Boucher’s – How To Find Stocks That Make Runaway Moves

In Mark Boucher’s How To Find Stocks That Makes Runaway Moves Interactive Trading CD, You Will Learn The Following… First, Mark Boucher will teach you the proven strategies I use to select and trade stocks that...

Andrej Kirda – SOT Intermediate Course (May 2014)

SOT Intermediate Course (May 2014) Download, You will learn our day trading strategies, Daily Routine, Price Patterns, and Trade-management strategies. The Intermediate Course provides the essential elements of successful day trading. Learn to use a trading...

Ed Ponsi – The Ed Ponsi Forex Playbook

A practical guide to trading the foreign exchange marketThe Ed Ponsi Forex Playbook offers a visual approach to learning specific trading strategies and identifying profitable trading opportunities in the Forex arena. Page by page, it skillfully describes...

DecisionBar – DecisionBar (Oct 2012)

You’ll learn… The actual trading methods we teach our DecisionBar members to maintain consistent profitability in any market. The secrets behind DecisionBar Trading Software. How to trade when you have a full-time job. How to make...

NodeTrader – NodeTrader Nov 2014 (+ Open Code)

NodeTrader Trade Like A Pro Video Replay Liquidity in the form of volume traded is vital for successfully trading any instrument. This volume node indicator and associated instruction will teach you how to capitalize on...

Chris Nash – Financial Fixed Odds Profits Course (

“If you can spare 30 minutes in the evening (or morning) I’ll show you how to grab tax-free Forex profits of ?58, ?91, ?166, ?288 or more on demand following a simple, proven Financial Fixed Odds...

Norman Hallett – Taming Risk A Guide For Traders

Norman Hallett, the world-renowned trading advisor, who literally wrote the book on “Taming Risk” reveals…“How To Eliminate Those Devastating Blowout Trades That Strip Your Account Of The Profits You’ve Made For The Day, The Week, or...

NinjaTrader – Constance Brown Composite Index Code

NinjaTrader – Constance Brown Composite Index Code What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader to our clients for many reasons but...

Tony Ciccone – Option Spreads - Generating Exceptional Returns

Tony Ciccone – Option Spreads - Generating Exceptional Returns Widely associated with a high-risk level, options are often a case of concern when it comes to trading. However, by taking a closer look at them, their...

John Piper – The Way to Trade

John Piper – The Way to Trade Most people lose in the markets for one simple reason – they trade emotionally. Good trading is not a question of doing, it is a question of being. How...

Adrienne Laris Toghraie – Overcoming Sabotage Workshop

Adrienne Laris Toghraie – Overcoming Sabotage Workshop Adrienne Laris Toghraie is an internationally recognized authority in the field of human development and a master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for the financial and business communities. She...

Peter Navarro – When The Market Moves Will You Be Ready

Peter Navarro – When The Market Moves Will You Be Ready This is the first hands-on guidebook for macrowave investing – today’s most potent, strategically advanced event-trading technique. Macro’ events play a large part in determining...

Neall Concord-Cushing – Key to the Secrets. A Trader’s Primer

Neall Concord-Cushing – Key to the Secrets. A Trader’s Primer Key to the Secrets is the latest book written by Neall and reviews the first 4 books with an in depth discussion of their inter-connectedness. It...

Netpicks – The Insider’s Guide to Achieving the Trader’s Edge

Investing Pro’s give you the hard truth on your trading. We have asked our customerbase to participate. Some of them are long time associates of ours due to the fact thatwe started our business in 1996....

Options University & Ron Ianieri – Options 101. The Basics

Options University & Ron Ianieri – Options 101. The Basics Complete definition and explanation of the 8 crucial options-related basics and terms you must know to be a successful options trader 7 specific trading strategies used...

Austin Passamonte – CM Pivot Power Trade Method

Austin Passamonte – CM Pivot Power Trade Method About the author Austin Passamonte I have followed financial markets as an active trader since 1984. Go ahead and name the highs, lows, pitfalls and strange things that...

John M. Bland – Forex Essentials in 15 Trades

Traders are constantly learning their craft. Those who do not share information, discuss tactics and review prior trades are doomed for failure. knows this. It is the leading destination for Forex traders looking to learn...

VivoDeLaBolsa – Indicator Stopper & Abeja

All our indicators are very easy to use, comprehension and assimilation. In addition, we offer a wide range of possibilities ranging from manuals, workbooks, DVD courses, seminars, training videos or even private.With our indicators, trading acquires a...

LeadingTrader – LT Progression Velocity Force

LT Progression Velocity Force ( Join our group of experienced professional traders who will help you on the path of successful trading, whether you are a new trader or a seasoned veteran. Here you will learn key trading...

David L. Caplan – Trade Like a Bookie

Synopsis: Have you ever wanted to trade so that the odds were in your favor? David Caplan has combined his forty years of trade research, probability research, and poker playing experience together and come up with...